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We just added some pictures of our 2014 display and we hope you enjoy them.

Christmas 2014

We just uploaded our Video for 2014. I hope you enjoy.

Well we just got two new additions. We got these two 18″ Grand Venture Snowmen last week. They are in pretty good shape, a few paint chips but not too shabby. Stamped 1999 so they have already seen a few Christmases and will get to see a few more 🙂

They will need to be fitted with a new light cord that is on my To-Do list for later this week.

Finally got the blow molds out of storage.

They are set up in their locations but not wired yet. That will probably follow tomorrow.

Well the three soldiers we got had no lights or cord with them, which is OK since we don’t get C7 bulbs over here anyway. So off to the hardware store to get some new light sockets and blubs. I still had the power cord and plugs to be used.


Still need to make the board to mount them too and then they are all set.