We just added some pictures of our 2014 display and we hope you enjoy them.
We just uploaded our Video for 2014. I hope you enjoy.
Tutorial added on converting light strings
I finally wrote a tutorial on how to convert the light strings to run on 220V. You can find it in our new How To section of the site.
Converting the light strings
Posted in Lights by The Hubers
Well since we got the new light strings set from the USA they are made to run on 110V. As most of you know here in Europe we run on 220V. The good thing about the USA lights is, that the wires used in them can withstand 300V so by making the 100 lights run in series instead of 50 and 50 I can then hook them up directly to our 220V without frying them out. Another added benefit to that is, that I can hook 5 strings together instead of only 3 like in the USA.
So for me that means cutting, stripping, and soldering 60 sets of lights. But what is a balcony for, right?
- Cut and ready to solder
- soldering
- soldering from another angle
Well we just got some new lights for this year. Another 60 sets of multi colored lights to be exact, so that is another 6000 bulbs we get to enjoy. Thanks to Indytycoon over at Planetchristmas for helping us get them from the US over here 🙂
Just woke up, opened the curtains and what did we get to see, some nice white stuff covering the ground.
Looked at the clock, 7:58 AM, 2 mins till the lights shut off, ran to get the camera and tried to get a least a few snapshots.
We just hope the snow will stick around a bit to get more pics tonight.
Just turned on the display.
All works well.
Got the ladder out and was hanging around the trees like a monkey.
Finally got the blow molds out of storage.
They are set up in their locations but not wired yet. That will probably follow tomorrow.
How To…
Recent Posts
- Almost Christmas
- Pictures added for 2014
- Video for 2014 Uploaded
- Start of a new Season
- A break for the 2013 Season